about us

Galway  Steinway Trust

The Galway Steinway Piano is held in trust for public performances in the Emily Anderson Concert Hall at University of Galway

The Galway Steinway Piano currently housed in the University of Galway is from Hamburg, Germany, a Model B of 1988. It is in excellent condition, undergoing regular maintenance by Steinway & Sons, London.  A Trust was established in 1981 to look after the instrument and ensure that it is well cared for.

The Steinway is ideal for chamber music performances and solo recitals.  It is available for hire to approved artists and promoters. Application for use must be filed at least 3 weeks prior to the proposed event taking place and also requires permission to use the hall from the University. 

A Brief History

When the piano was purchased in 1981, the original Aula Maxima in the Quadrangle had recently been divided into two floors. The upper floor made an ideal space for concerts, and the piano was carried up the stairs to its home on the stage. The acoustics proved to be perfect for recitals.

In 1988 a fire broke out in the lower space, causing severe smoke damage to the Steinway, which was quickly replaced. Pianist Stephen Bishop-Kovacevich selected the original piano at the Steinway showrooms in London, while Peter Donohoe selected the one which is now in place.

In 2017 the venue was officially named after Emily Anderson (1891-1962), renowned in the field of music for her remarkable translations of the letters of both Mozart and Beethoven, providing English speakers with a window into their worlds.  She received the Order of Merit from the German government for this work.  Born in Galway, Anderson grew up in the Quadrangle of the University where her father was President, and later became the first Professor of German at the University. 

The Steinway Trust was established in 1981, and from that original group Music for Galway evolved, promoting concerts on a regular basis for the local community.


University of Galway,
University Road,
Galway, Ireland
H91 TK33